Arte de uma pérola negra (Entrevista com Ruth de Souza)


  • Roseli Aparecida Fígaro Paulino Universidade de São Paulo / Escola de Comunicações e Artes



Ruth de Souza, theatre, cinema, television, actress, black


Actress Ruth de Souza, in an intentiew to Comunicaçao & Educação, speaks about her trajectory as an actress ever since the days of the 'Teatro Experimental do Negron (Black Experimental Theater) until her most recent role, in 2002, in Globo TV's O Clone soap opera. She likes theater and television. but Ioves the cinema, art she attributes her decision of becoming an actress to. As a black woman, she does not like to talk about the difficulties and bias there is against black actors. She is affirmative and, in good humor, is thankful for always having had work. She recalls her great friends: Paschoal Carlos Magno, Grande Otelo and Sergio Cardoso. She is now getting ready to participate in yet another movie: As filhas do vento (The daughters of wind). a story to be told by black actors and actresses. 


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How to Cite

Paulino, R. A. F. (2002). Arte de uma pérola negra (Entrevista com Ruth de Souza). Comunicação & Educação, 25, 61-78.