Peer Review Process
1) Texts sent to the journal Comunicação & Educação must be unpublished. Excerpts from other works, including the author or author, must be duly cited and referenced.
2) Manuscripts are initially reviewed by the journal's staff and editors. At this stage, the text may be rejected for not being in accordance with the journal's guidelines and norms; for not being in accordance with the publication template, and for the content not being considered priority or relevant for the magazine. This initial procedure is quick and prevents authors from waiting unnecessarily for an opinion.
3) Manuscripts that undergo this first evaluation are then evaluated by blind evaluation by two members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc consultants, within their specialties. If necessary, the text may be submitted to a third reviewer for evaluation. Based on the opinions of these reviewers, the responsible editor decides about the publication of the manuscript. The average time from receipt to publication is 24 weeks.
4) The result of the opinions is communicated to the authors with the guarantee of anonymity of the evaluators. The response of the peer review process depends on the agility of the reviewers.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to:
- reject texts that are not in accordance with the journal's guidelines, priorities and norms;
- request changes to the submitted texts, when any correction or modification of a thematic and/or formal order is necessary;
- make formal, spelling and grammatical changes, carried out by specialized proofreaders.
The decision regarding the publication of the texts received is exclusive to the Editorial Committee.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to send invitations to specialists with evident academic competence in the field of Communication for possible publication of their intellectual production in the journal Comunicação & Educação. In this case, the texts go through the standard evaluation procedure adopted by the magazine, under the responsibility of the editors.
Exceptionally, works that have already been published in foreign journals will be accepted. In that case, they will be subject to the same evaluation process.
The journal counts on the participation of external evaluators outside the editorial committee and the publishing institution.