University museums or museums in universities?: a comparative analysis between Museu Paulista (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford University, United Kingdom) and Museum of Anthopology (University of British Columbia, Canadá)




University museums, Museum management, Sustainability


This paper compares three university museums (Museu Paulista, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Museum of Anthropology, University of British
Columbia, Canada; and Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, United Kingdom) on their institutional profile, governance and management, funding and current challenges. This comparative study aims to find a common ground that allows understanding them as “university museums,” beyond the mere fact that they are part of an university. This article builds on the debates by representatives of the three museums during the international seminar Designing the Future: Management and Sustainability in Museums, hosted in 2019 by Museu Paulista of University of São Paulo in partnership with SESC Ipiranga.


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da FFLCH/USP. Dedica-se desde 2004 aos estudos culturais, com ênfase na história das cidades, patrimônio cultural e museus. Atualmente atua como curador assistente no Museu Paulista da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. da. (2021). University museums or museums in universities?: a comparative analysis between Museu Paulista (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford University, United Kingdom) and Museum of Anthopology (University of British Columbia, Canadá). Revista CPC, 16(32), 9-35.