Creation of the UFRGS Chemistry Institute Museum




Museological collection, Science and technology museums, University heritage, University museums


This paper addresses the creation of the Chemistry Institute Museum (MIQ) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), problematizing the institutional, collective, and social challenges regarding the implementation of a museum. It presents the trajectory of multidisciplinary work within this constitution, involving faculty, technicians and students from the chemistry, museology, archival science, history and marketing courses, and counting on the participation of heritage professionals, a partnership built on the actions supported by its direction. The text discusses the effectiveness of the UFRGS Museum and Archive Network in providing technical and political support, and discusses MIQ’s role in times of pandemic and multidimensional crisis in Brazil. Central concepts of museology, museum management, Simmel’s theory of crisis and conflict in social groups, Mbembe’s necropolitics and approaches to the notion of ethos in museology and their specific languages forms its theoretical framework.


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Author Biographies

  • Jeniffer Cuty, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    ADJUNCT TEACHER AT UFRGS and HUMAN RIGHTS RESEARCHER - PhD and Master in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul [UFRGS]. Architect and Urbanist from UFRGS. Specialist in Human Rights from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Adjunct Professor IV based at the Information Science Department of the Faculty of Library and Communication at UFRGS. Coordinator of the Graduation Committee of the UFRGS Museology Course, 2020-2021. She is an associate researcher with the Research Groups: READ - Reading, Information and Accessibility at UFRGS and Right to Memory and Truth and Transition Justice, from the Graduate Program in Criminal Sciences at PUC-RS. He is part of the team of researchers from the Fabico Humanist Portal, UFRGS. Coordinates the Research Project: SMS - Memory of Suffering Sites. Interested in the following topics: Cultural Heritage and Heritage Science (Museums), Museums (Museums), Museology (Museology), Archives of Architecture (Architecture Collection), Human Rights (Human Rights), Ethics (Ethics), Accessibility (Accessibility) ), Memory of Suffering (Memory of Suffering).

  • Henri Stephan Schrekker, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Doutor em Química pela Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, Países Baixos). Professor Associado da UFRGS, lotado no Departamento de Química Orgânica. Desde 2019, é diretor do Museu do Instituto de Química da UFRGS.

  • Márcia Regina Bertotto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Doutora em Museologia e Mestre em Ciências Sociais. Professora Adjunta da UFRGS no Departamento de Ciências da Informação da Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação, como docente no Curso de Bacharelado em Museologia e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Museologia e Patrimônio.


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How to Cite

Cuty, J. A., Schrekker, H. S., & Bertotto, M. R. (2022). Creation of the UFRGS Chemistry Institute Museum. Revista CPC, 17(33), 122-141.