Conservation, election and design of street furniture in historic squares




Street furniture, Historical cities, Squares


The requalification processes of squares in historic centers face several difficulties for the routing of their actions. Among these actions are, necessarily, the decision-making on the conservation, election and/ or design of street furniture. This is because, in addition to historical value, this type of public space has characteristics intrinsic to the city and region to which it belongs, such as aspects of identity, memory and culture. This work starts from the discussion of conservation initiatives, election and design of street furniture through authors who deal with the street furniture object and those are inserted in historic centers. The discussion is expanded through the Heritage Charters that address historical public spaces and the inclusion of street furniture as cultural heritage. Next, we analyze cases of two historic squares in listed perimeters in Rio Grande do Sul that proceeded with the requalification and definition of their street furniture from different approaches to the problem. Thus, these cases contributed to different results. We found that through the discussion and analysis of cases that, in the project actions, is fundamental to bibliographic and documentary research that support the development of guidelines for both the continuity (conservation) and the new insertions of street furniture (election and design).

Keywords: Street furniture; requalification; squares


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Author Biography

  • Adriana Eckert Miranda, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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Cultural Heritage

How to Cite

Miranda, A. E. (2023). Conservation, election and design of street furniture in historic squares. Revista CPC, 18(36), 125-152.