Individual and narrators in "O Judeu" ["The Jew"] and "Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade" ["Portuguese, writer, forty five years old"] by Bernardo Santareno




Bernardo Santareno, Tragedy, Autobiography, Epic theater, Narrators in theater


Albeit always being present in the theater, narrators rediscover their own dramaturgic functionality in Brechtian theatrical syntax, whose influence prevails in the second phase of B. Santareno's theater. Narrators in theater, structured within the typologies proposed by B. Richardson (1988), allow in a play different perspectives that contribute to the dynamic interpretation of the events presented on stage, as intended by the epic theater. In the plays O Judeu (1966) and Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade (1974), B. Santareno uses several types of narrator whose function we will analyze in this text. In both plays, the figure of a playwright is central and a reflection emerges on the social function of theater and the relevance of writing plays in a society marked by censorship. In this reflection, some elements of duality, or ambivalence, stand out from the structure of both plays which question the cultural prerogative of the theater as a privileged instrument of transforming society, without reducing the epic matrix of texts. We hope to demonstrate that in O Judeu/The Jew these elements are related to the tragic genre, while in Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade /Portuguese, Writer, Forty-Five Years of Age they are linked to the autobiographical character of the text and representation.


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Author Biography

  • Elsa Rita dos Santos, Universidade de Lisboa. Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas

    Professora contratada da Universidade de Trento e de Pádua, e membro do Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas (CLEPUL) da Universidade de Lisboa.  Doutora pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. R. dos. (2020). Individual and narrators in "O Judeu" ["The Jew"] and "Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade" ["Portuguese, writer, forty five years old"] by Bernardo Santareno. Revista Desassossego, 12(23), 25-40.