António Riço: an enlightned worker


  • Riccardo Cocchi Instituto Camões



António Riço, Covilhã, Revivências, Florinda, Portuguese literature


In this article it is intended, in the first place, to rescue a part of the biography and literary production of the worker-writer António Riço, who was born in the city of Covilhã (Portugal). For this purpose, biographical data contained in Riço’s work will be collected – mainly, but not exclusively. Secondly, it aims to show, through excerpts taken from that same literary production, how writing has been a way for this author to express the need and urgency to denounce various problems of socio-cultural nature and injustices of his time. Finally, in an attachment, the electronic addresses will be made available to consult, in full, all the editions of Florinda magazine, which António Riço contributed to found and of which he was the editorial coordinator.


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How to Cite

Cocchi, R. (2021). António Riço: an enlightned worker. Revista Desassossego, 13(26), 107-127.