Between fiction and history: the aesthetic organization in José Saramago's novel




Fiction and history, Historiographical discourse, Compositional and architectural forms, Saramago's narrative


This article aims to understand the discussion of the role of the History of Portugal in the mode of aesthetic organization in José Saramago's novel that generates the materialization of the aesthetic object. For analysis, the novel "The History of the Siege of Lisbon" will be used as an artistic object of analysis, as it is believed that the organization of the Saramaguiano aesthetic object takes place through the game between fiction and history, fulfilling a compositional aesthetic function determined by the architectural organization designed by the creator author. Getting in touch with this specific form of organization of Saramago is also getting in touch with the image of the tradition that History has in the country and how it is related to the subjects that transit there. Just as, in this article, the study of the novel, postulated by Mikhail Bakhtin (2014), helps to visualize this constitution of this contemporary aesthetic object, the studies of Eduardo Lourenço and Professor Dr. Teresa Cristina Cerdeira help to understand the relationship of the Portuguese with History, and the concept developed by Hayden White (2014) guide the look at the form of constitution of historical discourse, as well as its almost direct relationship with the artistic-literary discourse. In this exhibition, it is intended to conclude that José Saramago's novel is constituted through the relationship established between fiction and history, and this relationship is determined by the valuation placed in the architectural plan elaborated by the author-creator.


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Author Biography

  • Iago Nunes dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo
    Mestrando em Literatura Portuguesa na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Santos, I. N. dos. (2022). Between fiction and history: the aesthetic organization in José Saramago’s novel. Revista Desassossego, 14(28), 22-46.