Utopia and the Portuguese Fifth Empire in Antonio Vieira





Utopia, Antonio Vieira, Baroque, Portugal, Philosophy


Antônio Vieira is known for being a writer between two worlds, in a cultural and literary border zone. His production, as well as the influences that are generally pointed out in his texts, are part of the Baroque period. One of the questions that arises from this is precisely how one reads his works. It happens that many of his works are immediately rejected, since it is customary to believe that they are of an aesthetic line that can hardly attract the attention of a reader of our time. In his book History of the Future, we find a Vieira quite different from what can be assumed from these biographical notes and partial analyzes of his works. This text shows us both that its author was capable of breaking with certain stylistic traits of the Baroque, fleeing the so aversive cultism, and innovating in some of the most fundamental aspects of his material, even making an approximation with exceptional works of his time, which marked both the literature of the 15th and 16th centuries and later. Therefore, the objective of this work is, by focusing on an examination of the History of the Future, to identify, among other aspects, some of the most curious marks about Veira in his artistic production, stating that the Portuguese Fifth Empire was an idealization that was anchored in the thought of that period.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Nunes Bittencourt, Centro Universitário Internacional Signorelli

    Professor de Literatura, Língua Portuguesa e Produção Textual. Assessor Editorial e Revisor, contribuindo com a difusão de obras literárias e acadêmicas. Ensaísta, crítico literário e escritor. Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Gama Filho (2004), mestrado em Estudos de Literatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2007) e doutorado em Letras Vernáculas (Literatura Portuguesa e Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa) pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2011). Publicou Canções de um Sonhador (poesia, 2002, Scortecci) e Epifania (poesia, 2016, iVentura), além de ter organizado Fortuna Crítica: estudos de Literatura (ensaios, 2008, Arquimedes), Poesia sobre tudo (poesia, 2014, iVentura) e Habitados pela Poesia (poesia, 2017, iVentura).


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MELO, Sangia de. Argumentação e persuasão: o Sermão da Sexagésima do Padre Antônio Vieira. 2005. Dissertação (Mestrado em Literatura e Crítica Literária) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.

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VIEIRA, Antônio. História do Futuro vol. 2. Brasília: Unama, 2022.



How to Cite

Bittencourt, R. N. (2023). Utopia and the Portuguese Fifth Empire in Antonio Vieira. Revista Desassossego, 15(30), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2175-3180.v15i30p31-46