Um poeta nosso: a luta por Os Lusíadas após a morte de Camões




Camões, The Lusiads, Appropriation, Tranlation


By studying some early Spanish and English translations of Luís de Camões’ Os Lusíadas, this essay explores the cultural and political struggle over the meaning and ownership of the Portuguese epic in early modern Europe. Shortly after the poet’s death, two Castilian versions of the poem were published in 1580, the very same year of Philip II’s annexation of Portugal and its overseas territories to his newly global monarchy. In 1655, some years after the Portuguese uprising against Spanish rule, the Royalist poet Richard Fanshawe published the first English translation of Os Lusíadas against the backdrop of the in- creasingly interventionist policies of the British Protectorate regarding the national and imperial conflict between the Iberian kingdoms. By allowing the production, redistribu- tion, and new consumptions of literary capital, translation becomes a specifically im- perial textual practice that participates in the international competition for cultural and political hegemony. This article, therefore, seeks to provide the grounds for a geopolitics of imperial cultural struggle around Os Lusíadas in early modern Europe.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Martínez, Universidade de Chicago

    Catedrático de Literaturas Hispânicas na Universidade de Chicago. Autor de Front Lines. Soldiers’ Writing in the Early Modern Hispanic World(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), Comuneros. El rayo y la semilla (1520-1521) (Hoja de Lata, 2021), e editor da Vida y sucesos de la Monja Alférez de Catalina de Erauso (Castalia, 2021).


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How to Cite

Martínez, M. (2023). Um poeta nosso: a luta por Os Lusíadas após a morte de Camões. Revista Desassossego, 15(29), 108-136.