For a long time, we used to go to bed early: Proust, Barthes and Mário Cláudio against Sainte-Beuve


  • Gustavo Listo Pereira Universidade Federal Fluminense



Mário Cláudio, Gémeos, Contemporary Portuguese narrative, Roland Barthes, Marcel Proust


This article, based on Barthes’s reflections on “For a long time I used to go to bed early”, analyzes some peculiarities of the narrative voices present in the novel Gémeos, by Mário Cláudio. On the one hand, it attempts to demonstrate possible similarities between the Portuguese novelist’s book and the work of Proust. In contrast, it argues that Gémeos can be read as a text that steers away from the illusory logic of biographies – the same logic that is not only part of many traditional biographies and biographical novels, but is also assumed by biographisme, Sainte-Beuve’s critical method that was also criticized by Proust. Furthermore, the analysis includes an effort to demonstrate the relevance of Barthes's concept of the third form for the understanding of some specificities of Mário Cláudio's novel, in order to establish that it has the type of writing that, similarly to In Search of Lost Time, it fractures the limits between narration and argumentation.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Listo Pereira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Graduação em Letras e Mestrando em Estudos de Literatura na Universidade Federal Fluminense.


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How to Cite

Pereira, G. L. (2020). For a long time, we used to go to bed early: Proust, Barthes and Mário Cláudio against Sainte-Beuve. Revista Desassossego, 12(23), 185-202.