The exploitation of the hydroelectric potential of the Amazon region
Amazon, Hydroelectric power plant, PreservationAbstract
The continuity of the current Brazilian energy sources implies an expansion of Amazonian hydropower exploitation, where 52% of the hydropower potential is. Conciliating hydroelectric power production and preservation of the Amazon region and biodiversity is one of the greatest challenges of the next 30 years. The Amazon region, with its innumerable tributaries, internal deltas, meadow areas and flooded regions, is one of the active centers of evolution of the planet. Construction and management processes of new reservoirs and the strategic planning in hydro resources appropriation must undoubtedly consider this conciliation of the hydropower expansion and conservation of ecological, hydrosocial and hydroeconomic processes in the Amazon. In this context of hydropower exploitation, a stable integration of planning and management into the scientific and technological bases is essential.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tundisi, J. G. (2007). The exploitation of the hydroelectric potential of the Amazon region . Estudos Avançados, 21(59), 109-117.