Para que servem os inventários de fauna?


  • Luís Fábio Silveira
  • Beatriz de Mello Beisiegel
  • Felipe Franco Curcio
  • Paula Hanna Valdujo
  • Marianna Dixo
  • Vanessa Kruth Verdade
  • George Mendes Taliaferro Mattox
  • Patrícia Teresa Monteiro Cunningham


Biodiversity, Fauna, Sampling methods, Legislation


Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved.


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Gestão e estudos ambientais

How to Cite

Silveira, L. F., Beisiegel, B. de M., Curcio, F. F., Valdujo, P. H., Dixo, M., Verdade, V. K., Mattox, G. M. T., & Cunningham, P. T. M. (2010). Para que servem os inventários de fauna? . Estudos Avançados, 24(68), 173-207.