Cuba: a sociedade após meio século de mudanças, conquistas e contratempos


  • Aurelio Alonso Universidade Central de las Villas


Social change, Cuba, Legitimacy, Participation, Reform, Resistance, Revolution, Socialism, Cuban society, Solidarity, Sustainability


The revolutionary victory in 1959 transformed the social and economic structure, as well as the notions and collective imagination of the Cuban people. This episode is already half a century old, during which time the mobile and contradictory nature of the situations, through external and internal factors, gave rise to victories, setbacks and very complex effects in Cuban society today . The resistance of the Cuban project against imperial hegemony over the last fifty-odd years surprised the world's centers of power, when Cuban society chose a socialist path in the 1960s. The scope of its strategies of solidarity was also cause of surprise, with their prolonged and decisive struggle against apartheid over the two following decades. Equally surprising, Cuba remained standing after the worldwide fall of socialism. During this period, the country showed time and again that resistance is possible and necessary.


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How to Cite

Alonso, A. (2011). Cuba: a sociedade após meio século de mudanças, conquistas e contratempos . Estudos Avançados, 25(72), 7-18.