Inserção dos jovens no mercado de trabalho
The objective of this paper is to analyze the patterns of insertion of young people in the Brazilian labor market between 2004 and 2015. The analysis begins by characterizing the historical patterns of insertion of young people in the labor market in Brazil and the decades of relative economic stagnation between 1981 and 2003. Then, taking into account the ensuing demographic changes, the increased rate of economic growth and the social policies impacting the labor market, the paper seeks to show how this context positively affected the integration of young people into the Brazilian labor market - trends that have been jeopardized by the recent process of stagnation/recession of the Brazilian economy.Downloads
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How to Cite
SANTOS, A. L. D., & GIMENEZ, D. M. (2015). Inserção dos jovens no mercado de trabalho . Estudos Avançados, 29(85), 153-168.