Como as cidades podem favorecer ou dificultar a promoção da saúde de seus moradores?


  • Laís Fajersztajn Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina
  • Mariana Veras Hospital das Clínicas
  • Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina


Living near a park can reduce the risk for myocardial infarction, while exposure to outdoor air pollution increases it. There is evidence associating chronic exposure to traffic noise and weight gain. In 2014, more than one thousand people died in the São Paulo's traffic. However, recommending that people stay home with the windows closed is unfeasible. The adoption of healthy habits is aided or hindered by the man-made environment and by how the city is organized. Moreover, some risk factors for disease, such as exposure to air pollution, are beyond individual choices and call for governmental actions. In this paper, we discuss features that may aid or hinder the promotion of health in the city, based on a framework proposed by Rydin et al. (2012).


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Metropolises and health

How to Cite

Fajersztajn, L., Veras, M., & Saldiva, P. H. N. (2016). Como as cidades podem favorecer ou dificultar a promoção da saúde de seus moradores? . Estudos Avançados, 30(86), 7-27.