A Escola de Governo: do berço à idade adulta
The School of Government [Escola de Governo] was founded in São Paulo in 1990 to explain the operation mechanism of our political institutions. Its purpose is not merely theoretical, but also practical, i.e., to contribute to the progressive correction of the direction of our political life, respecting the fundamental principles of the Republic, of democracy and of the rule of law. To achieve this goal, the courses offered at the school focus mainly on the two structural factors of every political society, namely, the hierarchical structure of power and the dominant collective mindset. The courses seek to show that there has always been a double validity of the legal system in this respect: behind the official law, usually copied from abroad and almost never applied, there is actually another law, completely subject to the commands of a binary oligarchy, composed of private economic potentates and big State agents.Downloads
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How to Cite
COMPARATO, F. K. (2016). A Escola de Governo: do berço à idade adulta . Estudos Avançados, 30(87), 313-320. https://revistas.usp.br/eav/article/view/119129