Conflitos hídricos na gestão dos reservatórios Billings e Barra Bonita


  • Claudio Luis de Camargo Penteado Universidade Federal do ABC; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia
  • Daniel Ladeira Almeida Universidade Federal do ABC; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia
  • Roseli Frederigi Benassi Universidade Federal do ABC; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia


Hydroeletric plants, Shared management, Multiple uses of water, Environmental liabilities


Abstract: This paper is a critical analysis of the public management of the Billings reservoir and of the private management of the Barra Bonita reservoir, and attempts to understand the conflicts involved in the use of these reservoirs as well as the factors that result in major environmental damage. The general hypothesis supports the idea that analyses of conflicts over the use of water in reservoirs may contribute to the understanding of business management. As methodology, representatives from Emae, Cetesb, Sabesp, AES-Tiete and CFTP were interviewed to understand better the conflicts and the factors that result in major environmental damage. The results identified difficulties in shared management between users and operators.


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Environmental dilemmasand frontiers of knowledge II

How to Cite

Penteado, C. L. de C., Almeida, D. L., & Benassi, R. F. (2017). Conflitos hídricos na gestão dos reservatórios Billings e Barra Bonita. Estudos Avançados, 31(89), 299-322.