Os “Poemas da Negra”, uma leitura a contrapelo da “poesia do senhor do engenho”
Mário de Andrade Poet, “Poemas da Negra”, Black muse, Brazilian poetryAbstract
ABSTRAR This article is dedicated to a reading of the twelve “Poemas da Negra” by Mário de Andrade, written in 1928 and published in 1930 in the book Remate de males. The analysis and interpretation of the love collection derive from studies of the manuscript Preto in the writer’s collection (Grillo, 2010), safeguarded in the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB-USP), and follow indications of Gilda de Melo e Souza (2005). This scholar points out that the poems should be read against what she calls the “poetry of the plantation master”. Indeed, in one of Mário de Andrade’s most beautiful love verses, the poet develops a new Modernist diction about the black woman, insofar as the lyrical self elevates her to a cosmic plane, equating the poetic self and the black muse.Downloads
Mário de Andrade
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How to Cite
GRILLO, A. T. (2017). Os “Poemas da Negra”, uma leitura a contrapelo da “poesia do senhor do engenho”. Estudos Avançados, 31(90), 199-214. https://revistas.usp.br/eav/article/view/137894