Challenges to promote the ecosystem approach to beach management in Latin America and the Caribbean




Coastal management, Sustainability, Sandy beaches, South America, Central America


The complexity of global changes and their effects on social-ecological systems motivate the development of more integrated and innovative management approaches to balance the society-nature relationship. With the challenge of meeting global demands and considering local impacts, Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) emerges as an assessment and action strategy with the potential to qualify social-ecological interactions. In this sense, sandy beaches are an important and complex social-ecological system whose management has been historically characterized by a reductionist, immediatist, fragmented and technocratic approach – all challenges for EBM implementation. This article aims to discuss opportunities to incorporate EBM in beach management and the challenges to its implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LA&C). GBE can guide beach management processes towards achieving sustainability. Despite the challenges faced in LA&C, GBE implementation must be strengthened in the region to support beach sustainability through the promotion of transdisciplinarity and international cooperation. 



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How to Cite

Corrêa, M. R., Xavier, L. Y., Gonçalves, L. R. ., Andrade, M. M. de, Oliveira, M. de, Malinconico, N., Botero, C. M. ., Milanés, C. ., Montero, O. P. ., Defeo, O., & Turra, A. . (2021). Challenges to promote the ecosystem approach to beach management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Estudos Avançados, 35(103), 219-236.