Multilevel collective action and socioecological innovation in forest governance
Forest governance, Forest restoration governance, Multi-scale governance, Socioecological systemsAbstract
Considering the contemporary debate on forest issues, this article analyzes the main common points highlighted during the Webinar “Building Dialogues on Forest Governance” and in the articles of the Forest Governance Dossier of the Estudos Avançados journal of Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo. We emphasize that forest governance is a process in constant evolution and should continue to help to bring together multiple stakeholders at different levels and scales of decision on forests and multifunctional landscapes, and thus, strengthen an interdisciplinary governance agenda that promotes solutions based on the best relations between society with socio-ecological systems.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Liviam E. Cordeiro-Beduschi, Cristina Adams, Luciana Gomes de Araujo, Aurelio Padovezi, Marcus Vinícius Chamon Schmidt, Raquel Rodrigues dos Santos
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