Residual infrastructures: colonialisms in waste management and catador politics




Waste, Infrastructures, Sociotechnical systems, Colonialisms, City-making


The article explores the relationship between waste and cities through the prism of urban infrastructures, and proposes the concept of “residual infrastructure” as a strategy to analyze the residual, not hegemonic, dimension of waste management systems, focusing on change processes that reconfigure the infrastructure excludes elements deemed marginal, despite their actual centrality. The ethnographic focuses the “closure” of the Jardim Gramacho landfill, in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan region, considered as an “infrastructural event” that mobilized a contentious arena between different actors and technological repertoires, configuring the waste policies. The notion of “people as embodied infrastructures” qualifies the waste pickers that collect recyclable material as socio-technical systems and reveals the persistence of colonialisms in modern waste management, which continue to shape urban geographies and (re)produce racialized structures of inequality. Waste-picking policies are thought of as a kind of popular socio-environmentalism capable of forging citizenship models and alternative projects for the city.


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How to Cite

Lima, M. R. P. (2023). Residual infrastructures: colonialisms in waste management and catador politics. Estudos Avançados, 37(107), 63-52.