Globalização, interesse público e direito internacional


  • José Monserrat Filho Federação Internacional de Aeronáutica; Instituto Internacional de Direito Espacial


The current economic globalization process that overtakes the world benefits mostly the private interests which are also its main propulsion force. A need for the development and consolidation of the concept of international public interest will certainly emerge from such a process. This concept of international public interest should constitute a reference and criteria for the establishment of international rules that would assure the survival and the evolution of the human species on this Planet as a counterpart to the economic globalization's most unreasonable and perverse tendencies. The concept of international public interest had its first outlines in the beginning of this century within the International Public Law. It has been referred to more and more as the idea of humankind becomes essential to express the more universal interests to be defended for the sake of peace, security and progress for all the people on Earth.


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Dossiê Globalização

How to Cite

Monserrat Filho, J. (1995). Globalização, interesse público e direito internacional . Estudos Avançados, 9(25), 77-92.