Migration in Brazil: an input-output exercise for 2010


  • Fernando Salgueiro Perobelli PPGEA/UFJF. Departamento de Economia
  • Paloma Leite de Siqueira PPGEA/UFJF
  • Ricardo Freguglia PPGEA/UFJF. Departamento de Economia




migration, input-output, displacement effect


This study evaluates the Brazilian migration process in micro-regional level. More specifically measures the potential effect of the migration process can produce on the internal migration, i.e. the so-called displacement effect. Based on inter- regional input-output model built by individuals flows, the main idea of this paper is to measure how the reception of immigrants in a region displaces population among all regions in the model. The results found for the displacement effect index allowed dividing Brazilian micro regions into two groups: a) those with a ratio greater than one - micro regions which are not capable of absorbing flows of individuals without displacement / expulsion of native (in general, placed in the North and Northeast, and scattered in other Brazilian regions as well); b) those with index less than one micro regions that are able to absorb immigrant labor without causing major shifts in local people (such as the largest micro regions according to the GDP, and regions with high growth). These results shed light on the regional difference/heterogeneityin Brazil, and can contribute to the understanding of the native flows


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Author Biographies

  • Fernando Salgueiro Perobelli, PPGEA/UFJF. Departamento de Economia
    Departamento de Economia, PPGEA/UFJF - Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq: Pesquisador LATES/UFJF e Fapemig
  • Paloma Leite de Siqueira, PPGEA/UFJF
    Mestre em Economia PPGEA/UFJF
  • Ricardo Freguglia, PPGEA/UFJF. Departamento de Economia
    Departamento de Economia, PPGEA/UFJF - Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq






How to Cite

Perobelli, F. S., Siqueira, P. L. de, & Freguglia, R. (2015). Migration in Brazil: an input-output exercise for 2010. Economia Aplicada, 19(4), 625-640. https://doi.org/10.11606/1413-8050/ea133050