Fiscal Reaction to Increase Public Debt: An analysis for the Brazilian States


  • Francisco José Silva Tabosa Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Roberto Tatiwa Ferreira Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Andrei Gomes Simonassi Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Ahmad Saeed Khan Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Daniel Tomaz Universidade Federal do Ceará



Fiscal Reaction, Brazilian States, Solvency


The study proposes an investigation into the ability of the Brazilian states to keep sustainable the trajectory of its public debt that, in spite of the Fiscal Restructuration Proposals, as the Law 9.496/97 and the Law of Fiscal Responsibility, increased between 2006 and 2011. The methodology adapted the fiscal reaction function of Bohn (2007) to a panel data structure and includes the possibility of threshold effects, such as in Hansen (1999). Thus, the reactions by the states with higher levels of debt were allowed be different from the others. The results showed that, as a rule, there is no active fiscal policy of the states in terms of generating primary surplus against the increase of the public debt.


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Author Biographies

  • Francisco José Silva Tabosa, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    MAER/UFC e Pesquisador da FUNCAP
  • Roberto Tatiwa Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    CAEN/UFC e Pesquisador do CNPq
  • Andrei Gomes Simonassi, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    CAEN/UFC e Pesquisador do CNPq
  • Ahmad Saeed Khan, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    MAER/UFC e Pesquisador do CNPq
  • Daniel Tomaz, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    Graduando em Finanças na UFC Campus Sobral






How to Cite

Tabosa, F. J. S., Ferreira, R. T., Simonassi, A. G., Khan, A. S., & Tomaz, D. (2016). Fiscal Reaction to Increase Public Debt: An analysis for the Brazilian States. Economia Aplicada, 20(1), 57-71.