Impact of technology transfer and innovation clauses in regional trade agreements




technology provisions, trade agreements, Pacific Alliance, exports


International trade is one of the main vehicles to promote the technology transfer as it contributes to the generation of new products with greater added value, expanding export opportunities and diversification, as well as the insertion of domestic companies in global value chains. This article seeks to determine the impact of the technology related provisions in the main trade agreements that are signed by Latin America and the Caribbean countries in the last 20 years on the level of exports, particularly on the export of goods in technology-intensive sectors. It attempts to analyze whether this effect varies between North-South and South-South trade agreements, especially in the case of the Pacific Alliance.


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How to Cite

Fairlie Reinoso, A. ., Portocarrero Torres, J. M. ., & Paredes Zegarra, T. K. . (2023). Impact of technology transfer and innovation clauses in regional trade agreements. Economia Aplicada, 27(1), 111-132.