Análise de alternativas de rotas disponíveis para a movimentação de grãos e farelos através da hidrovia Tietê-Paraná


  • João Carlos Vianna de Oliveira Sem Registro de Afiliação
  • José Vicente Caixeta Filho Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz


Palabras clave:

transportation, waterway systems, network models


The transportation through waterway systems is considered as the most economical one for bulk volumes. In view of that, there have been a lot of expectations from the Tietê-Paraná waterway system, specially on the eventual reduction of the heavy load of transportation costs for grains produced in the Center-West region of Brazil and demanded by São Paulo State. In this study, through the use of a network model, it is observed that multi-mode alternatives which include that alternative suffer competition of variable level from the road system, which is mainly determined as a function of the origin-destination pair involved, the increase in the distance hauled in comparison to the transportation through the highway system, the cost of transhipment and the waterway costs.


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Cómo citar

Oliveira, J. C. V. de ., & Caixeta Filho, J. V. . (1997). Análise de alternativas de rotas disponíveis para a movimentação de grãos e farelos através da hidrovia Tietê-Paraná. Economia Aplicada, 1(4), 683-708.