Déficit habitacional e desigualdade da renda familiar no Brasil


  • Fernando Garcia Fundagao Getúlio Vargas
  • André Marques Rebelo Sem Registro de Afiliação



Palabras clave:

housing demand, housing deficit, income distribution, housing policies


This paper presents a simple housing investment model, which is based on developments made by Rebelo (1998a, 1998b), in order to analyze the influence of household income inequality on the probability of a family to belong to the Brazilian housing deficit. This deficit is estimated according to the methodology developed by Gongalves (1997) and it uses data from the National Survey of Household Samples (PNAD) of 1998. Since the housing deficit is a binary measure (0,1), for individual cases, and a continuous measure in the 0-1 range, for the cases of regions means, the elasticity estimates are based on logit and logistic models. The econometric analysis supplies important elements to the discussion of housing policies in Brazil, considering that it stresses the strong influence of income inequality on housing deficit. In special, this analysis allow us to estimate the amount of subsidies needed to eradicate the Brazilian housing deficit


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Cómo citar

Garcia, F. ., & Rebelo, A. M. . (2002). Déficit habitacional e desigualdade da renda familiar no Brasil. Economia Aplicada, 6(2), 239-264. https://doi.org/10.11606/1413-8050/ea219899