Ajustes nos mercados de álcool e gasolina entre os anos de 1995 e 2000


  • Marta Cristina Marjotta-Maistro Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz. Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada
  • Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo Barros Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz



Palabras clave:

anhydrous ethanol, gasoline, deregulation, fuels


The aim ofthis study was analyze and characterize the fuel markets — gasoline and anhydrous ethanol, relating the changes effects in associated variables to supply and demand about the agents' behavior in a market partly deregulated, that is, between 1995 and 2000. The model was made up of five equations, being one of gasoline C to retailing and four of fuel prices. The mainly conclusions were: the demand variations tended to be met without major changes in the price of gasoline and its compounds; the wholesale gasoline C and gasoline A at refineries prices adjustments, even moderated, were reposed partly to retailing; the government had a tendency to absorve the external shocks of prices and did not repose immediately to retailing and the retailing did not repose, at the same extent, to the final consumer. The research results reflected sectors still operating under State domain, which controlled their operations without necessarily meeting the economic logic.


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Cómo citar

Marjotta-Maistro, M. C. ., & Barros, G. S. de C. . (2005). Ajustes nos mercados de álcool e gasolina entre os anos de 1995 e 2000. Economia Aplicada, 9(2), 225-256. https://doi.org/10.11606/1413-8050/ea221403