Culto aos antepassados, Yuta e comunidade a prática do culto aos antepassados pelos descendentes de Okinawanos no Brasil


  • Koichi Mori



ancestor worshio, Yuta (shaman), Okinawan (immigrants and their descendants in Brazil, globalization, strategy of subsistence.


In this article, we intend to scribe an preliminary interpretation in relation to characteristics of the practice of ancestor worship, accomplished of Okinawan immigrants and their descendants in Brazil. The Objective of this work is to analyse the transformations and the Okinawan shaman's function in this practice,relating this questions with the change of connexion of Okinawa, Japan and Brazil, of the point view Okinawan residents in Brazil. For this, this analysis is parted, for convenient, in four periods: before World War II, after World War II until decade of 70, decade od 70 as far as decade of 80 and decade of 90. Through the survey of the specificity of practice of ancestor worship in each period and of several factor that influenced this practice, we intend to analyse the influences of the process of globalization had on this practice.


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How to Cite

Culto aos antepassados, Yuta e comunidade a prática do culto aos antepassados pelos descendentes de Okinawanos no Brasil. (2009). Estudos Japoneses, 29, 81-97.