The debate on religion on the Meiroku Zasshi




Shûkyô, Religion and Politics, Religion and Diplomacy, Superstition, Cultural transfers


The paper presents the main issues debated at the Meiroku Zasshi on the theme of religion. Based on the terms used to translate the concept of ‘religion’ to the modern Japanese language, observing the cultural and political context in which that cultural transfer occurred. The different positions included the exaltation of religion as an essential part of civilization given its moral impulse capable
of generating social cohesion and, therefore, a necessary view for the good functioning of the State. They pointed out a distinction between religion and superstition that should be discouraged by the State for representing threats to public order. Others defended religion as an element of rational articulation to guarantee government support. The debate shows the process of transference, appropriation, and resignification of that important category of Western thought, still diffused at the beginning of the Meiji Era.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. G. C. de ., & Tomita, A. G. S. . (2022). The debate on religion on the Meiroku Zasshi. Estudos Japoneses, 48, 27-51.