A família tosa e a construção de uma arte japonesa


  • Madalena Natsuko Hashimoto Cordaro



Palabras clave:

Japanese painting (yamato-e), woman-painting (onna-e), Chinese painting (kara-e), man-painting (otoko-e), seasonal topics (shiki-e), flowers-and-birds painting (kachôga), genre painting (füzoku-ga), Japanese poetry and narratives.


The aim is to study the origins of the so called tipical Japanese art, after the contact with China, through Tosa family painting, their seasonal topics and their related poetry topics. Yamato-e, Japanese painting, is understood as an art in opposition to kara-e, the continental art from China. The ornamental characteristics, the painting family organization, its knowledge transmission, the simultaneous presence of word, caligraphy and painting which associates literature and art are analysed in terms of a long tradition that runs through Japan’s art history.


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Cómo citar

A família tosa e a construção de uma arte japonesa. (2001). Estudos Japoneses, 21, 35-63. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i21.142777