Arte moderna e arte japonesa: assimilações da alteridade
DOI :és :
Modem Art, Alterity, Japanese Art, Image, Representation.Résumé
This article attempts to clarify and discuss the relations between Modem Art and the Japanese art. The intent is to show how, in contrast do the aesthetic and ways of representation of the classical and romantic arts, one of the points of rupture of several occidental artists, which can be yet classified as modems, was precisely a new posture in relation to the Art of the other peoples, considering that, in this aspect, the assimilation of the Japanese art would had a exemplary and transformer importance for the renovation of the modem occidental art since the epoch of the impressionists painters. In this sense, it is showed how, working with an assimilation of alterities as the Japanese, the modem occidental artists had success in recreate his own art.##plugins.themes.default.displayStats.downloads##
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(c) Copyright José D 'Assunção Barros 2007
Ce travail est disponible sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.
Comment citer
Barros, J. D. 'Assunção. (2007). Arte moderna e arte japonesa: assimilações da alteridade. Estudos Japoneses, 27, 77-96.