Os morfemas finais Ne e Yo da língua japonesa, à luz das funções do Kyüjôhô (informações dadas) e Shinjôhô (informações novas) - um estudo da subjetividade e emoção
https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7125.v0i21p125-145Mots-clés :
final particles (shújoshi)', dictum (proposition)/modus (modality), mutual agreement, human interaction, kyûjôhô (given/old information)Ishinjôhô (new information).Résumé
Japanese final particles (shüjoshi) are situated at a modus (modality) layer, which expresses the speaker’s subjective attitude regarding the dictum (proposition) such as his judgement, supposition, volition, emotion and order. The speaker uses the final particle yo to express an assertive attitude generally when he introduces new information to which he wants the addressee to pay attention. On the other hand, the speaker uses a final particle ne, expecting the addressee to agree with him or in order to make his utterance roundabout, introducing given/old information. However, the speaker’s choice of yo or ne depends not only on the informational structure of discourse, but also on the human relationship or on the strategy used by that speaker in the moment of his utterance.##plugins.themes.default.displayStats.downloads##
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(c) Copyright Yüki Mukai 2001

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Comment citer
Mukai, Y. (2001). Os morfemas finais Ne e Yo da língua japonesa, à luz das funções do Kyüjôhô (informações dadas) e Shinjôhô (informações novas) - um estudo da subjetividade e emoção. Estudos Japoneses, 21, 125-145. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7125.v0i21p125-145