Alunos de Shodô do município de São Paulo e sua prática artística


  • Rodrigo Moura Lima de Aragão


Mots-clés :

shodô, the art of Japanese calligraphy, shodô teaching, shodô students, shodô in Sao Paulo.


In this paper, data on part of the shodô students from the city of Sao Paulo and data concerning their artistic practice are presented and analyzed. Based upon a survey conducted at eight different institutions in Sao Paulo where shodô is taught, the following data are gathered in this work: age, sex, and nationality of the shodô students of the visited institutions; level of knowledge of Japanese of these students; length of practice of shodô of the respondents; styles of shodô practiced by these students; reasons why the students of the visited institutions practice shodô. Moreover, in this paper these data are analyzed, in order to make suggestions for the future development of shodô in Sao Paulo.






não definida

Comment citer

Alunos de Shodô do município de São Paulo e sua prática artística. (2009). Estudos Japoneses, 29, 141-155.