Processo de “amarelamento” das tradicionais religiões brasileiras de possessão - mundo religioso de uma Okinawana
Cultural contact, ethnicity, religion of possession, Mesa Branca, Xamanism-Yuta of Okinawa, immigration.摘要
In the 50’s,the “Japanese religions” experienced a revival in the Brazilian Nikkei commnuity.This revival was a result of the feeling of the motherland’s loss due to the Japanese defeat in World War II,the collapse of the symbolic social structure which was supported by the “symbolism of the Emperor’sveneration’’,the ebullience of the “pseudo-familiy conscience”,which configured the thought of apermanent residence in this Country, and, in a more concrete way, by the new Japanese religious sects that came to Brazil and the ancestors cult at home, which is highly related to these religions. All the aforementioned have a common diretion when referring to the Japanese faith system seen as the system of representative symbols of the “japaneseness” characteristic of “Japanese who live permanently in Brazil”. On the other hand, we can see the development of a particular religious world, which modifies and interprets the Brazilian faith system, projecting it on its ethnicity. There is the exemple of an Okinawan origin woman, Maria, who founded the Centro Espírita Amor a Jesus (Love to Jesus Spiritual Center). This religious movement atempts to introduce and integrate “Okinawa” in Brazil. The objective of this work is to describe and interpret the experience of the contact with a different culture by an individual who has built a religious world adequate to himselfthe “Okinawan” origin Brazilian interpreting/modifying, from his own ethnicity, a Brazilian faith system (Brazilian mediunic religious continuum - Kardecismo and Umbanda).##plugins.themes.default.displayStats.downloads##
Mori, K. (1998). Processo de “amarelamento” das tradicionais religiões brasileiras de possessão - mundo religioso de uma Okinawana. Estudos Japoneses, 18, 57-76.