Lazer do imigrante japonês no Brasil


  • Luci Tiho Ikari Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes



leisure,free time from work, free time, leisure functions,Japanese immigrants, sports,cultural and social activities and events, Brazil.


This paper aims at revealing the Japanese immigrant’s leisure activities, based on the leisure concept and its functions as promoted by Joffre Dumazedier3. A facet of the Japanese immigration history will be analysed through personality/potentiality development, amusement/entertainment, relaxation/rest activities and events. It verifies how free time from work and everyday life were through small pleasures of their daily lives. The associative habit as an attempt of resolution of problems in their immigration nucleus leads to wider and more diversified practices and organizations of leisure activities and events. Finally,the paper concludes by raising awareness that the group of activities and events were meant to soften the impact of the cultural gap among Brazilians and Japanese, bringing them together and giving support and balance to their lives,improving multicultural scenes of the country.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    Mestre e Doutoranda na ECA/USP.




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