Principles, habits and the foundation of knowledge


  • Rogério Fernandes Martins Universidade de São Paulo



Pascal, Epistemology, Foundationalism, First principles


We intend to put certain aspects of pascalian speculation within an epistemological background. We will frame them, in more detail, within the so-called tradition of Epistemic Foundationalism. The main intention will be to show the genesis of the first principles, essential for the epistemological framework in this tradition, and the consequences arising therefrom. For this purpose, we will compare the pascalian developments to the cartesian on this theme. We hope, at the end of the paper, to have demonstrated the strength and novelty of the pascalian solution and the moral desideratum to which it can lead us.


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How to Cite

Martins, R. F. (2021). Principles, habits and the foundation of knowledge. Cadernos Espinosanos, 44, 263-289.