The imaginative genesis of the idea of future contingents in Spinoza and the sea-battle argument


  • Artur Farias Batista Universidade de São Paulo



Spinoza, Aristotle, Future contingents, Sea-battle, Imagination, Time


Mis work opposes Spinoza’s system, as expressed in parts I and II of "Ethics", to the sea-battle argument. This is done firstly exposing all premisses, and then showing how Spinoza’s explanation of the imaginative genesis of the idea of future contingents is extracted from his system. The main objective of this article is to examine the implications of this explanation on the sea-battle argument — of which the conclusion is the statement of the reality of future contingents. It is proposed as a result of this examination the weakening of the ontological and ethical relevance of Aristotle’s argument and, more broadly, the manifestation of the problematic nature of the arguments that include the vulgar conception of time in their premisses.


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How to Cite

Batista, A. F. (2022). The imaginative genesis of the idea of future contingents in Spinoza and the sea-battle argument. Cadernos Espinosanos, 46, 233-256.