The cogito as the link between thinking and being


  • Marcos Alexandre Borges Universidade Estadual de Roraima



Descartes, Meditation, Metaphysics, Cogito, Knowledge, Existence


This paper aims to investigate whether the statement “I am, I exist”, present in the fourth paragraph of the Second Meditation, expresses only and exclusively an existence, or whether it is also an expression of knowledge about what is the Self that discovers its own existence. For this purpose, in addition to Cartesian texts, some lines of interpretation dealing with this issue are herein addressed, especially the standpoints of Alquié, Frankfurt and Marion. As a result of the discussion carried out, the intention in this paper is to defend that the I am, I exist expresses, at the same time, the knowledge of the existence of the Self, and the knowledge that the Self exists as a thinking being.


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How to Cite

Borges, M. A. (2023). The cogito as the link between thinking and being. Cadernos Espinosanos, 48, 75-97.