The resolution of a new way of life in Spinoza and Pascal


  • Gabriel Frizzarin de Souza Universidade de São Paulo



Spinoza, Pascal, Emendation of the intellect, Grace, Immanence, Transcendence


Spinoza and Pascal, respectively in the prologue to the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect and in the opuscule On the Conversion of the Sinner, explain a process that involves the establishment of a new way of life and represents a profound renewal of values for the soul. In this explanation, both authors address topics such as the concern for a true good, the disturbance of the soul between this concern and the search for other types of pleasure, the firm resolution to seek a true good and the way to achieve it. However, the conditions of this process seem to take different places, since in Spinoza the resolution to seek the supreme good is inseparable from the effort to reflect on it, while in Pascal the conversion of the sinner does not take place without the intervention of grace. The question is therefore to understand the foundations of the establishment of a new way of life that share common features, but does not seem to be equivalent for these authors.


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How to Cite

Souza, G. F. de. (2023). The resolution of a new way of life in Spinoza and Pascal. Cadernos Espinosanos, 49, 203-245.

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