The contribution of René Thom’s epistemology to Semiotics
René Thom, Catastrophe Theory, Platonism, Naturphilosophie, PithinessAbstract
René Thom's epistemological thought shows two facets which roughly correspond to two periods of his scientific research: (a) a mathematical Platonism which seeks the correlate of topological structures in the reality of phenomena (the period from 1965 to 1977), and (b) the critique of the Galilean paradigm in experimental physics and the relevance of a philosophy of nature applied to biology and semiotics (the period from 1978 to 1990). The two positions can be analyzed on the one hand starting from the book "Structural stability and morphogenesis" of 1972 and its program of a qualitative analysis based on the theory of catastrophes (together with Christopher Zeeman). On the other hand one has to consider the book of 1988 with the vision of a semiophysics and a program in search of the forces that select and channel the morphogenesis of meaning (and leads to a dynamical semantics in linguistics and semiotics). Thom's epistemology can be interpreted in the context of the philosophical tradition from Leibniz to Kant and Husserl. Jean Petitot analyses these historical relations and considers Greimas' semiotics and cognitive research in linguistics and neuropsychology as possible applications. These historical aspects are briefly discussed. This article attempts to clarify and assess the epistemological significance of Thom's work in semiotics and linguistics. It pursues not only to understand this contribution to the epistemological debate, but also to circumscribe the epistemological potential of René Thom's morphodynamics for semiotics and linguistics.
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