1900: History of a scientific-technological system that transfigured urban and architectural conceptions





Universal exhibition of 1900, Ephemeral cities, Scientific-technological discoveries, Topological configuration, Scientific-technological system


The Universal Exhibitions of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century introduced two new aspects in the relationship between technology and society: the dissemination of scientific and technological discoveries and the emphasis on their production mechanisms. The development of technology enabled a proposal for democratization in which urban space and housing for all played a crucial role. In this respect, historiography considers the 1900 Universal Exhibition as a fundamental event in the dissemination of art works, as well as industrial and agricultural products. Beyond the coincidence in timeline, this Exhibition is the visible expression of the transition between the scientific and technological progress announced at the end of the nineteenth century and its foreseen realization for the near future. It emerges as a virtual city that projects new urban and architectural conceptions on its physical space. Furthermore, it can be deemed as representative of the spirit of an euphoric era that prophesies the birth of a new society from the new scientific and technological system. This prognosis establishes the idea of greatness in eminent achievements, made possible due to inventions such as electricity, reinforced concrete, airplane, among others. For the first time, in a single event, a Universal Exhibition is able to anticipate a series of spatial, socio-cultural and semantic elements that redefine the notion of city.


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Author Biography

  • Isabel Marcos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais

    Pesquisadora Sénior na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Lisboa, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Marcos, I. (2020). 1900: History of a scientific-technological system that transfigured urban and architectural conceptions. Estudos Semióticos, 16(2), 176-188. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1980-4016.esse.2020.174524