Synesthetic polysensoriality as guarantor of the enunciative relationship: semiotic analysis of making-feel in "Tropicana"




Synesthesias, Semiotics, Discourse, Song, Enunciative effects


If we assume that synesthesias does not necessarily imply a priori data to texts, we understand that the perception they simulate is a perception whose starting point is, in fact, strategically textualized discursive operations. The point is to define which mechanisms or procedures in the text guarantee this compatibility when, in the song, lyrics and melody project diferent sensations. This article aims to contribute to the discussion of the impact of synesthetic effects on the emergence of meaning, focusing on the study of a song. The analysis, based on the perspective of French semiotics, allows us to assume that understanding the ways in which lyrics and melody intersect each other reveal the intrinsic process through which the enunciator-enunciatee relationship is at the heart of the relationship between the thematic and figurative dimension of the lyrics and its tensive projection on the melody. We conclude that these relationships is called in function of the make-feel that the reading of the text proposes, so that the song is presented as an experience to be felt by the diferent sensations.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Jefferson Pereira Barreto, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Barreto, P. J. P. (2021). Synesthetic polysensoriality as guarantor of the enunciative relationship: semiotic analysis of making-feel in "Tropicana". Estudos Semióticos, 17(3), 131-149.