Covid-19: the virus and its semiotic variants




Culture, Covid 19, Narrativity, Ethosemiotics


The reflection proposed here starts from the upheavals caused by the Covid 19 epidemic to try to understand whether they generate a paradigmatically distinct "world according to". Thus are studied the floating of the genre, the dissemination of the Sender, the proliferation of variants of the Anti-subject. But it is above all the truthful crisis and the disappearance of certainties that marks the emergence, perhaps, of an alternative subculture to that which preceded the onset of the epidemic. More precisely, we examine the radical transformation of proxemic relations, the modifications due to the wearing of the mask on the phatic quality of the interaction. But, in spite of imposed re-categorizations, this epidemic could provoke the resurrection of Humanity, collective actantial unit unanimously engaged, within a new culture and a new narrative, in the fight against a far more dangerous enemy threatening the world, that of climate change.


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Author Biographies

  • Denis Bertrand, Université Paris 8

    Professor emérito da Université Paris 8 – Vincennes-Saint-Denis, França.

  • Ivan Darrault-Harris, Université de Limoges

    Professor emérito da Université de Limoges, França.


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Marginalidades e crises culturais

How to Cite

Bertrand, D. ., & Darrault-Harris, I. (2021). Covid-19: the virus and its semiotic variants. Estudos Semióticos, 17(2), 321-339.