Object and metaobject in semiotics: a unique relation





Meta-object, Metalanguage, Modeling, Epistemic object, Dual science


In semiotics and linguistics, the need for an epistemologically-defined and specific object concerning the vast field of various communicative phenomena and for a specific meta-object or metalanguage is strengthened by the structural approach, which also brings with itself a change in the idea of language science leading to a dual science: a “one made up of two”. It is a science that does not consider its categories as autonomous but in relation to “otherness”, namely other categories. In this duality, historicity presents itself as a layered structure of asymmetrical times, as an actualization of semantic potentia: the theoretical object reveals itself as a “chronotope” whereby the space of the theory intertwines with the movement of time. Language uses always the same ancient material for its innovations; it is capable of speaking about itself, of being the object and condition of its meta-object; it speaks of itself by producing an open metalanguage resulting from a process of translation or self-translation, i.e., metareflection. The relationship between object and meta-object is ambivalent and is constitutive of language science: the object (language) contains its theory. Hence their "unique relationship".


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Author Biography

  • Cosimo Caputo, Università del Salento

    Professore Associato di Filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia.


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How to Cite

Caputo, C. (2023). Object and metaobject in semiotics: a unique relation. Estudos Semióticos, 19(3), 122-136. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1980-4016.esse.2023.212633