Semiotics, crime and punishment: an analysis between Semiotics of Law, Semiotic of Objetcs and Semiotics of Mark
Semiotics of Law, Criminal investigation discourse, Crime and PunishmentAbstract
This article develops, from the perspective of French Semiotics, an analysis of the discourse of criminal investigation, amidst the practices of legal discourse, a hybrid discourse modality, which uses legal, medical and technical knowledge, manifesting itself in an enunciated way as a technical and bureaucratic discourse. In the course of the tasks of unraveling the crime, the discourse of criminal investigation operates with the traces (vestiges) of the crime, and, with that, converts evidential signs (indices) into procedural evidence (preuves) operating the conversion of what is secret (secret) into truth (vérité), in a process of uncovering the criminal. Within it, the Semiotics of the Mark is together with the Semiotics of Objects, in order to contribute to the tasks of the Semiotics of Law.
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