The discourses of the third sector: meanings of communication, work and education in communication NGOs


  • Camila Acosta Camargo University of São Paulo (USP)



communication, labor, education, neoliberalism, ideology of the third sector


This article presents part of the research entitled "The communication of the “third sector” as an expression of neoliberalism: the discursive practices and the meanings of work in Communication NGOs", in which we aimed to investigate how the relations of communication and labor are expressed in non-profit organizations that selected communication as their main tool in defense of a social cause. To do this, we selected three social organizations named here "Communication NGOs", located in the city of São Paulo and active during the period of study - 2016-2018, in which we deepened in their institutional communication and the workers' experience based on their own statements. This article will contemplate the analysis topic about the meanings of communication, work and education that circulate in their practices and their discourses.


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Author Biography

  • Camila Acosta Camargo, University of São Paulo (USP)

    Camila Acosta Camargo holds a master's degree in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP and a bachelor's degree in Public Relations from the same institution. She teaches Public Relations at FMU FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário. Integrates the Research Center on Communication and Work (CPCT / ECA-USP). She works professionally with a focus on communication for social projects in NGOs and is a founding partner of the specialized consulting firm Eixo Social.


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How to Cite

Camargo, C. A. (2019). The discourses of the third sector: meanings of communication, work and education in communication NGOs. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 613-632.