Pregnancy and childbirth in the trailer work of Nicola Costantino


  • Carmen Rocher Universidade Nacional de Arte



Contemporary Art, Pregnancy, Birth, Feminism


The objective of this article is to analyze the representation of pregnancy and childbirth in the work Trailer, by Nicola Costantino. The initial hypothesis is that since the advent of feminism representations of motherhood that question patriarchy have been introduced in contemporary art. In the particular case of pregnancy and giving birth, since modern times, they have been appropriated by the male order. The medicinal discourse and the disciplining of the female body has taken from women the domination over our own pregnancies, censoring experiences and practices transmitted ancestrally among women. Faced with this scenario, our work attempts to observe how contemporary art continues to promote the dominance of this patriarchal order or questions it, producing new possibilities to conceive pregnancy and childbirth promoting the social transformation that this implies.


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Author Biography

  • Carmen Rocher, Universidade Nacional de Arte

    Magíster en Lenguajes Artísticos Combinados por la Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA). Artista contemporánea. Profesora en el Departamento de Artes Visuales (UNA) y en la Maestría en Lenguajes Artísticos Combinados (UNA).


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How to Cite

Rocher, C. (2019). Pregnancy and childbirth in the trailer work of Nicola Costantino. Revista Extraprensa, 12(2), 85-93.