Exu as a trickster: the misappraisal of moral judgments in Baco's Exu Blues rap


  • Hector Rodrigues Feltrin Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto




Moral Judgments, Identity, Exu, Trickster, Rap Music


From the discussion about the origins of moral judgments and their implications in social reality, we will see how the ethical-political paradigms determine the modus operandi of hegemonic culture. Such culture is the basis of a certain ideology to the detriment of other ethnic-racial groups through their subordination and marginalization, especially with regard to Afro-descendant identity, memory traditions. We will take the figure of the Orisha Exu and the rap music genre to show how the artist Diogo Moncorvo understands Afro-Brazilian culture from music, using it as a tool to overcome Western oppressions. The rapper’s aesthetic in the album Esú (2017) shows very heterogeneous and pulsating identities, considering its articulation with media culture and its production of meanings in reality.


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Author Biography

  • Hector Rodrigues Feltrin, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

    Master student in Letters, in line of research in Language and Cultural Memory, Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). He recently published an article in the Mulemba Magazine (UFRJ), entitled: “Micronó Roots: Identity Constructions Beyond Stabilization”.


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How to Cite

Feltrin, H. R. (2019). Exu as a trickster: the misappraisal of moral judgments in Baco’s Exu Blues rap. Revista Extraprensa, 13(1), 26-39. https://doi.org/10.11606/extraprensa2019.162862